The Problem Project LEAP Seeks to Solve


For many young adults and other job seekers who have not had a great deal of sustained formal employment, presenting documentation of their skills and abilities to potential employers is a major barrier to even being able to submit an employment application.

Because not having enough formal work experience prevents many job seekers from gaining employment and they need employment to gain experience, many young adults and other job seekers find themselves in an ongoing cycle of unemployment and underemployment. 

The Project LEAP Solution


Volunteerism and Apprenticeship as Pathways to Employment: Volunteer and apprenticeship opportunities can facilitate access to formal work experiences, skill development and training for unemployed and underemployed job seekers.

Volunteerism as a Pathway to Employment, a 2014 Corporation for National and Community Service report shows volunteerism is directly linked with the increased likelihood of employment.

  • Volunteers have a 27 percent higher likelihood of finding a job after being out of work than non-volunteers. 

  • Volunteers without a high school diploma have a 51 percent higher likelihood of finding employment.

  • Volunteers living in rural areas have a 55 percent higher likelihood of finding employment.